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敬請自行下載列印競賽獎狀及參賽證明Certificate of achievement for participation and merit

感謝您參加「2017第42屆ACM 國際大學程式設計競賽亞洲區花蓮站」,希望大家都能有個美好的回憶。
本次競賽獎狀及參賽證明電子檔已製好,請您登入ACM Baylor System,於個人檔案區下載列印,如果發現名字有所錯漏,請e-mail至協助修正。

〈ACM-ICPC Baylor System〉

We appreciate your participations of “ACM ICPC 2017 Asia Hua-Lien Regional Contest”. The certificate of achievement for participation and merit have been made.
Please login the ACM Baylor System and find the certificate files in the personal file area. If you find any mistake on the certificate files, please email correct information to
