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歡迎您參加「2017第42屆ACM 國際大學程式設計競賽亞洲區花蓮站」,提醒您要注意以下事項:

  • 請務必攜帶您的學生證及身分證(或護照),第1天報到及第2天入場時會需查驗。
  • 報到及入場皆以「隊」為單位,請選手們集合後再一起報到與入場。
  • 本點為各隊的名稱及報到檯編號。



Welcome to the "ACM-ICPC 2017 Asian Hua-Lien Regional Contest". We sincerely remind you of the followings:

  • Be sure to carry your student ID card and passport with you. These are both needed to be inspected on the first day (11/24) in registering and the second day (11/25) in admission.
  • Team”is considered as a unit, so please assemble your teammates together whether in registering or admission.
  • Foreign teams please report to 「Registration Desk A」when you arrive.

Please get extra coats and rain gear ready, , the recent climate changes a lot. We wish you have a successful, fruitful game, and enjoy the pleasant tour.
